
HortySpringer Pathways Webinar Series

Check back soon for more information on dates, times, and topics!

Web-Based Training for Hospital & Medical Staff Leaders

Introducing HortySpringer Pathways – a new training program for hospital and physician leaders who are looking to develop and enhance the skills they need to manage and oversee the hospital’s Medical Staff.

2024 Pathways Training Program:
Professional Practice Evaluation…and Beyond

The Pathways webinar series will focus on the progressive steps of collegial peer review (professional practice evaluation) – and beyond.  The aim is to promote a better and broader understanding of the process as a whole and to make this information available to all participants in the review process, at every level.

This means, for example, helping Board members to better understand the informal, collegial efforts often undertaken by Medical Staff leaders.  It also means helping leaders in roles that are limited to collegial efforts understand the steps that follow when those efforts are not successful (and how their earlier work can contribute to, or undermine, those later steps).

When everyone involved in the review process understands the “big picture,” the process is more likely to be consistent, methodical, and fair.  In addition, leaders may be more likely to appreciate:

  • the importance of methodically performing duties that could otherwise seem trivial or unduly burdensome (for example, documentation of collegial efforts);
  • the risks of straying from assigned duties/functions (for example, a PPE committee that veers out of the collegial review process to make a recommendation for adverse, disciplinary review action); and/or
  • the real potential to use the collegial peer review/PPE process to promote the success and continued improvement of all practitioners, reserving other aspects of the process for the rare scenario where collegial efforts have failed.

Pathways Training Program Schedule:

The Pathways Training Program includes these four sessions with 60-day on-demand access. Each session is approved for 2 hours of CME/NAMSS credits with a total of 8 credits for the entire series.

About HortySpringer Pathways


Each Pathways Series is focused on a topic – or “theme” – that health system, hospital, and physician leaders have told us is essential and timely.  Avoiding the sound bites and consultant-talk that permeate so many leadership training courses that are on the market, Pathways favors a deeper discussion of the topics at hand and take-home tips that can be implemented right away.


Medical Staff leadership does not occur in a vacuum.  While the “self-governance” of the Medical Staff is largely the purview of the organization’s practicing physicians, a multitude of individuals and bodies support and oversee Medical Staff activities:  Board members, advanced practice clinicians, health system and hospital administrators, quality professionals, medical staff services professionals, HR professionals, executive recruiters, and more!  Pathways’ web-based format allows organizations to finally make Medical Staff leadership training available to all of these individuals, fostering shared understanding and the implementation of aligned and unified policies, procedures, and leadership strategies across the organization.


Each Pathways webinar has been designed to require a minimal-to-moderate time commitment and to allow training to be completed from the comfort of your own home or workplace.  With four 2-hour web-based training sessions spread throughout the year, participation in the Pathways leadership program means not having to forego leadership development when time for training is limited or travel is difficult or impossible.

Who Should Attend?

The 2024 Pathways program can benefit all the following:

  • Medical Staff members identified for leadership potential, but not yet placed in a leadership role
  • Medical Staff officers
  • Chief Medical Officers
  • Peer review/PPE committee members
  • Members of a Medical Staff Leadership Council (or similar officers council/committee)
  • Members of a Medical Staff professionalism committee
  • Other physician leaders involved in professional practice evaluation
  • Hospital personnel who support the peer review/PPE processes (for example, Medical Staff Services directors, quality department directors)
  • In-house counsel who advise the Medical Staff or Board
  • Governing Board members (particularly, members of a Board subcommittee on quality)

Training Program Schedule

The Pathways Training Program includes these four sessions with 60-day on-demand access. Each session is approved for 2 hours of CME/NAMSS credits with a total of 8 credits for the entire series.

HortySpringer Webinar Disclaimer

The information presented during a webinar and any supplementary materials provided to registrants are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing contained therein is to be considered as the rendering of legal advice for specific cases or circumstances.

No one should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information presented during a webinar without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer practicing as permitted by applicable laws, regulations or rules of professional conduct. No attorney-client relationship is formed by registration for a webinar or the use of the supplementary materials.



Single hospital webinar session purchase: $595

Single hospital webinar series purchase: $1,850

Participants Will Receive:

Each HortySpringer Pathways Webinar Includes:

  • 2 hours CME/NAMSS credits
  • All supplementary materials
  • 60-day on-demand access

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