December 1, 2022

A member of our Medical Staff recently disclosed to the Chief of Staff that they have a prescription to use medical marijuana. How should we handle this?

Rest assured, you are not the only ones that have faced this situation! As the number of states that legalize both medical and recreational marijuana continues to grow, questions related to marijuana use are becoming increasingly common. In general, there are three main things to know before tackling a situation like this:

  1. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. Because of that, users of medical marijuana are not entitled to federal protections like those offered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Instead, all protections and prohibitions are regulated by states, state actors (i.e., a state Board of Medicine), and other committees commissioned by the state.
  1. Every state is handling medical marijuana use and the workplace a little differently. Some states have provided additional protections by doing things like prohibiting discrimination against users of medical marijuana or mandating that employers provide reasonable accommodations for such users. Other states have taken the stance that practitioners should refrain from using medical marijuana, and some states have not addressed the issue at all.
  1. No state requires employers to permit the use of medical marijuana during work or on work property.

With the above in mind, we recommend that hospitals treat this situation like any other where they receive notice that a practitioner may be experiencing a health problem.  The matter should be reviewed under the Practitioner Health Policy or other applicable policy to determine if the underlying cause for the use of medical marijuana affects the practitioner’s ability to safely treat patients. Also, check with counsel to see how your state is addressing this issue.

October 13, 2022

As part of our peer review process, we want to develop a plan requiring a physician to obtain 15 hours of CME (to improve performance in a couple of identified areas).  Our peer review committee has always forwarded these types of recommendations to the MEC and Board for approval prior to implementing them.  I recently heard that this is no longer recommended.  Can you explain why?  Did something change about MEC and Board oversight of Medical Staff activities?

Medical Staffs have come a long way in the past 20 years.  As the roles and responsibilities of Medical Staff leaders have multiplied, many Medical Staffs have decided to dedicate the MEC to matters of oversight and strategy, while delegating the detailed, day-to-day work of the Medical Staff to other committees.  This is how the Credentials Committee first came into fashion.  More recently, the Leadership Council and Multispecialty Peer Review Committee have begun to assume greater roles within the Medical Staff.  This means not limiting the work of the committee to conducting clinical case reviews and reporting those results to the MEC.  Most modern peer review committees are responsible for so much more.

For example, multispecialty peer review committees are commonly responsible for all of the following:

  • Taking full responsibility for implementing the Medical Staff peer review policy
  • Recommending revisions to the peer review policy and process
  • Reviewing and approving the OPPE and FPPE indicators recommended by the departments for each specialty
  • Keeping track of system issues that are identified through the peer review process, to ensure that they are addressed and do not fall through the cracks
  • Reviewing cases referred to the committee for peer review (which includes developing performance improvement plans for practitioners, where appropriate)

Any peer review committee that is performing all of the above functions must be engaged, educated, and savvy about peer review (so it’s important to make good choices about committee composition and to provide periodic training).  So, it only makes sense a hospital and medical staff would honor the commitment of the committee’s members by letting go of micromanagement and embracing a pure oversight role.

Oversight does not mean abdication of all responsibility.  But oversight does not require detailed information.  All the MEC and governing board need is enough information to be sure that good policies are in place and that the responsible individuals are following them.  This means summary/aggregate data reports work well.  For example, it should suffice if reports to the MEC and Board list the total number of cases reviewed through the peer review process within a specified period of time, with that data then broken down by department or specialty, with information about how those cases were addressed – e.g., through a letter to the practitioner, a collegial intervention, a performance improvement plan, or otherwise).

Empowering the multispecialty peer review committee to implement the peer review process has other benefits, in addition to demonstrating honor and respect for the committee’s members.  For one, by giving primary authority over the peer review process to a non-disciplinary committee, the Medical Staff promotes a peer review process grounded in collegial, progressive steps – rather than a punitive, threatening process.

Further, if collegial steps are unsuccessful in managing a practitioner’s performance issues, the MEC and/or Board may eventually need to get involved.  By keeping those bodies out of the initial collegial efforts of the Medical Staff peer review process, the hospital and Medical Staff preserve the members as disinterested individuals, allowing the MEC and/or Board to review matters with a fresh set of eyes when a practitioner comes before them.  This promotes fairness in the process, since practitioners who are subject to review can rest assured that there will be multiple layers of review – before committees/bodies that are for the most part disinterested – before any “disciplinary” action were to be imposed.

To conclude – we absolutely do recommend that hospitals and Medical Staffs empower their peer review committees to implement CME requirements, as well as other performance improvement measures, without first having those measures taken to the MEC or Board for approval.  It’s efficient, it shows trust in those leaders doing the legwork on peer review, and it is an important part of a collegial, fair process.

October 6, 2022

Getting attendance at our Medical Staff department and committee meetings has always been a challenge.  Being able to participate remotely has helped somewhat, but it has also opened a whole new set of problems (like members participating on a confidential committee discussion while they shop at Target!).  How can we balance the benefits of using Zoom and Teams with some of the inherent risks that come along with using those remote options?

While we too have benefited from the ability to interact with Hospitals and Medical Staffs leaders via Zoom and Teams during the pandemic, maintaining confidentiality, privacy and security can be a problem during virtual meetings.  This is especially true if any sensitive information will be discussed or shared.

Like traditional, in-person meetings, it can be helpful for the chair to begin each meeting with a reminder of the importance of confidentiality when sensitive issues are being discussed.  It is also important to remind participants to only join in from a secure location and that they are required to maintain compliance with all applicable policies on confidentiality, data privacy, electronic communications, and security no matter where they call in from.  A “virtual meeting” policy can be a helpful way to spell out these guidelines.

Consider joining us for our November Grand Rounds “Running Effective Meetings in a Virtual World,” where Ian Donaldson and Nick Calabrese will discuss how to make your meetings more efficient, both in-person and remotely, and some of the challenges Medical Staff leaders face regarding confidentiality in a virtual space.

September 22, 2022

A physician recently resigned employment with a group that’s affiliated with the hospital.  Is there anything we should consider with respect to the physician’s Medical Staff appointment and privileges?

Yes, you’ll want to evaluate whether the physician is still eligible for continued appointment and privileges under the Medical Staff Credentials Policy (or Bylaws).

Malpractice insurance is often provided through employers, so physicians who resign their employment often lose their malpractice coverage.  Most Medical Staff Credentials Policies state that such insurance is a threshold eligibility criterion for appointment and privileges and that physicians will “automatically relinquish” their privileges if they lose their insurance.  (If your Credentials Policy doesn’t say this, it should!)  So, one step is to determine if the physician has acquired new malpractice insurance.

Similarly, Credentials Policies often require physicians to have acceptable coverage arrangements to be eligible for appointment and privileges.  Resignation from a group may mean that those coverage arrangements are no longer in place, so the existence of appropriate coverage should be confirmed with the physician.

Finally, all the other eligibility criteria in the Credentials Policy should be reviewed to determine if the physician’s resignation from employment will cause the physician to be ineligible.  For example, some Credentials Policies require the physician to maintain an office within the hospital’s service area as a condition of being granted appointment and privileges.

On the employment side, a physician’s employment contract may contain an “incident and coterminous” provision saying that the physician’s privileges will automatically be resigned upon termination of the contract.  Similarly, the contract may include a restrictive covenant prohibiting the physician from practicing in a defined geographic area for a certain amount of time after the contract ends.  However, the employer (not the Medical Staff) is responsible for enforcing such contractual provisions.

September 8, 2022

Can the medical staff of a critical access hospital be part of a unified medical staff within a multi-hospital system?

As of the date of this e-mail (September 8, 2022), the answer is no, but a change could be in the works soon.  In 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) revised the Medicare Conditions of Participation to allow a “unified and integrated” medical staff in hospitals that are part of a health system.  Previously, CMS had required that each hospital have its own separate medical staff.  In the past, even if medical staffs in a system had overlapping membership, CMS required that the medical staffs be “separate.”  However, the CMS Interpretive Guidelines provide as follows:

[A] hospital system that includes certain types of hospitals, i.e., Hospitals-within-Hospitals or Hospital Satellites, that are being paid under a Medicare payment system other than the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) might jeopardize the Medicare payment status of those excluded hospitals if it owns both the tenant and host hospitals and uses a unified medical staff for both.  (Emphasis added.)

42 CFR §482.22(b)(4).  This effectively prevented CAHs from being part of a unified medical staff within a system.  CMS reiterated this rule in 2017 when it approved an application from The Joint Commission to have deemed status for surveys of CAHs. 82 Fed. Reg. 49,817, 49,818 (Oct. 27, 2017).

However, on July 6, 2022, CMS proposed that this prohibition be lifted and that medical staffs of CAHs be permitted to be part of a unified medical staff within a multi-hospital system subject to essentially the same rules (e.g., opt-in and opt-out rights, consideration of local circumstances, etc.) that apply to unified medical staffs within PPS hospitals. 87 Fed. Reg. 40350, 40376.  Comments closed on August 29, 2022, so the proposal may be final at any time now.  Stay tuned for further developments in the Health Law Express.

September 1, 2022

We have new Medical Staff leaders taking office the first of the year and would like to get them trained up when they start. Do you have any virtual options available?

Do we ever!!! Several partners here at HSM have been working on a new virtual Medical Staff Leader Orientation & Toolkit program that will be available on January 26, 2023. This six-hour course will cover leadership, credentialing, and peer review topics, providing your new leaders with the tools they will need to get off on the right foot!

You can obtain more information and register for this program here.

August 25, 2022

I just got back from what was probably the worst-run medical staff committee meeting ever. The problem is that I’m the chair and was running the meeting!  I thought it would be easy, but it was a lot harder than it looked. Any pointers?

Running a meeting is hard work – here are some tips that may help:

Tip #1.  Start on time.  This is one of the most important tips.  If a meeting isn’t started on time, chances are it won’t end on time, and that has consequences which we’ll discuss below.  If a meeting always starts on time, the attendees will more than likely be there on time, since no one likes to walk into a meeting late, and being late disrupts the meeting.

Tip #2.  Limit the conversation.  What “limit the conversation” means is that if a couple of attendees in the room are making the same point, over and over again, that’s unproductive, so the chair should step in and say “Ok, any other points of view that we haven’t discussed yet?”  Also, if a discussion “drifts,” the chair should step in and restate the purpose of the discussion.  This can be hard to do, but it is a skill that needs to be developed.  Otherwise, the participants start thinking the meeting is a waste of time, and the downward spiral begins.

Tip #3.  Take an issue off-line.  There are times when a meeting is getting bogged down because no one has the information needed to make a decision.  For example, is the bylaws revision being discussed a Joint Commission Standard?  A best practice?  If no one knows for sure, further discussion will not help the committee make a decision, so that issue should be taken off the agenda until the next meeting, to research the issue.

Another reason to take an issue off the agenda is when there are so many conflicting points of view that the issue won’t be able to be resolved at the meeting.  The chair knows that no matter how much more discussion there is, the issue won’t be resolved.  So, the chair should stop the discussion, and maybe appoint a small group to investigate or research the issue, then bring the results back to the committee.

Tip #4.  End on time.  This is the most important tip.  If a meeting is to end at 8:30 a.m., end the meeting.  Although some attendees don’t mind going over, others will start thinking about work that needs to be done, or another meeting to go to, or an appointment to make – focus is lost.  A meeting that runs on and on and on isn’t efficient and becomes much less effective as time goes on.  Also, not ending on time affects meeting attendance.  If an attendee knows that the meeting always goes over, he or she is less likely to attend the meeting.

Sometimes agendas are just too full, or there may have been too much discussion on one issue, etc. – that happens.  But, instead of plowing on through with more and more disinterested attendees as each minute ticks by, just end the meeting, and hold those agenda items over for the next meeting.  The exception is if the issue is of critical importance, but that will be few and far between.

July 21, 2022

Our hospital recently employed a small group of orthopedic surgeons. There have been rumblings that hospital administration was unhappy with the performance of the private orthopods and there is clear tension between administration and the private group. There was an incident last week in the cafeteria where one of the private orthopods allegedly yelled and got in the face of one of our hospital administrators. The administrator wants to deescalate the situation and hasn’t filed a complaint, but how should we as a medical staff handle the matter?

This is an excellent question and the administrator’s response is completely understandable, but the best practice in this situation is to follow your Medical Staff Professionalism Policy.  If medical staff leaders become aware that a practitioner’s behavior in the hospital may be inconsistent with the expectations for medical staff members, the leadership can and should review that behavior under the Professionalism Policy.  The review by the medical staff leadership does not depend on the administrator filing a complaint.

The Professionalism Policy should require that appropriate fact-finding take place and that the private orthopod have an opportunity to provide input.  This fact-finding and input will allow the medical staff leaders to understand the context in which the dispute occurred.

As I said, the administrator’s hesitance in filing a complaint is natural.  From that individual’s perspective, filing a complaint will not only increase the tension that seems to be occurring between hospital administration and the private orthopods, but it will also open a door for the private orthopods to claim they are being targeted by administration.  However, the risk of not acting is that potentially inappropriate behavior is not addressed.  This is bad for the culture at the hospital and the credibility of the medical staff leadership.  Also, allegations that administration is targeting the private orthopods can be addressed by good fact-finding and documentation (e.g., by talking with others who witnessed the event).  Allegations of bias, while scary, would be easily dispelled in this situation.

Additionally, the downsides of not filing a complaint are potentially much greater.  For example, what if the surgeon’s behavior continues to cause disruption in the hospital and the medical staff needs to impose some form of discipline?  Without addressing this particular incident, your medical staff will be missing a key part of the record to use if and when the time comes to deal with the surgeon’s behavioral issues.

July 14, 2022

We’re revising our Medical Staff Bylaws, which require that we run criminal background checks at initial appointment on all Medical Staff applicants.  There’s no disagreement there, but there is disagreement as to whether we should also run criminal background checks at reappointment.  Any thoughts?

Although this differs from hospital to hospital, in our experience, the majority of hospitals are not running new criminal background checks at reappointment.  Why?  Most hospitals have strong language in the Medical Staff Bylaws that require Medical Staff members to keep the hospital updated on any new criminal activity. So, the rationale is that once an individual is on the Medical Staff, the hospital will know about any additional criminal activity because Medical Staff members have an obligation to inform the hospital of such activity.  While this is not necessarily foolproof – a hospital can only truly verify that criminal activity hasn’t occurred by running subsequent background checks – in terms of an industry standard, we feel comfortable saying that many hospitals are only running full checks at initial appointment, not reappointment.  So, a hospital could reasonably decide not to run these background checks on an ongoing basis.  There is one caveat here – you should check to see if there are any state law requirements regarding criminal background checks and how often to run them.

May 19, 2022

Our hospital is negotiating with health insurers to perform delegated credentialing on their behalf.  The insurers are telling us that we cannot have a hearing officer option for conducting a hearing when providers are subject to certain adverse actions, such as termination of participation on a panel. Is this correct?

Yes. This is how health insurers interested in delegating credentialing functions to health care providers interpret the Medicare Advantage rules for provider participation.  According to those rules, a health insurer involved in the Medicare Advantage program has to give physicians certain rights when it suspends or terminates the physician’s participation agreement.  Among those rights are the right to receive notice of the reasons for the action and the right to appeal that action. The rules go on to talk about a hearing panel but only state that the insurer (or insurer’s delegate) must ensure that the majority of the hearing panel members are peers of the affected physician.

Now you could follow the constitutional principle of English law that instructs that “everything that is not forbidden is permitted” and go ahead and draft your delegated credentialing policies so that they allow for the hearing officer alternative to using a hearing panel.  However, this may create headaches down the road since health insurers have to perform a pre-delegation audit of your policies and procedures before delegating credentialing and will most likely require a revision to your policies if they permit the hearing officer option. Some providers, such as hospitals, use their existing medical staff credentialing policies and procedures to build off of to put delegated credentialing processes in place. To the extent that a hospital is interested in doing so and its existing Credentials Policy allows for the hearing officer option, it can simply revise its Credentials Policy to indicate that the option is not available when a hearing is offered for delegated credentialing purposes (as opposed to medical staff purposes).