We have a physician who was granted a leave of absence (LOA) last October. Before she went on leave, there were some concerns raised about her practice, and she signed a performance improvement plan that included extensive CME and simulation training. When the physician asked to go on leave, she was told that before she would be reinstated, she would have to complete both the CME and the simulation training outlined in her performance improvement plan.
The problem is her current appointment term expires at the end of April. We don’t want to reappoint her now and give her a stamp of approval especially if she hasn’t completed the CME or training. Is there a way to align the decision on her reappointment with her return from the LOA?
We share your concern about reappointing a physician who is on an LOA. This case is further complicated by the fact that when the physician took the LOA there was an incomplete performance improvement plan.
Additionally, we would be reluctant to reappoint a physician about whom you had clinical concerns at least without first reviewing the most up to date information about her clinical performance. If you reappoint this physician now, you won’t have any clinical information for at least the last six months. And then, she won’t return from the LOA for an additional six months, at least potentially.
One suggestion would be to inform the physician that final action on her reappointment application will be held in abeyance until she seeks reinstatement from the LOA. When she is ready to return from the LOA, she will have to update her reappointment application before any action is taken. You will also want to make sure that your primary source verifications are current.
Simultaneously, she will have to demonstrate that she has satisfied the elements of the performance improvement plan. Furthermore, it is not unusual, when a physician has been on an LOA for an extended period of time, for leadership to develop a focused professional practice evaluation plan to confirm competence as part of the physician’s reinstatement.
If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Susan Lapenta at