March 27, 2025

A member of our Medical Staff recently had a significant skiing accident which included a concussion.   When he returned to the hospital, staff noticed a change in his behavior and in his clinical performance.  Last week, he had two significant surgical complications and there are concerns that he might not be safe to practice.  The President of the Medical Staff and the Chief Medical Officer want to summarily suspend his privileges and then mandate a health evaluation – not as a punitive measure but to keep patients safe.  Does that sound like a good plan?

Health concerns can be particularly challenging.  There are several reasons why we don’t recommend the imposition of a summary suspension in a situation like this, except as a last resort.  First, the standard for imposing a summary suspension is pretty high and typically requires a finding that “failure to take such an action may result in an imminent danger to the health of any individual.”  (This is the standard built into the federal Health Care Quality Improvement Act.)

Second, most bylaws require that there be significant process after the imposition of a summary suspension.  This process typically includes a meeting with the Medical Executive Committee and, if the Medical Executive Committee continues the suspension, the commencement of an investigation, which might lead to a recommendation for disciplinary action.

Third, just calling the action a suspension changes how it is perceived.  A suspension sounds punitive even if you say it’s for patient safety concerns.  Furthermore, the imposition of a suspension creates reporting obligations.  A summary suspension that is in effect for more than 30 days must be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank and the State Board.  In fact, some state reporting statutes require any suspension to be reported regardless of the duration.

In our experience, in situations where there might be an injury leading to an impairment, the preferred approach, and the approach that is consistent with accreditation standards, is a more collegial one.  For example, as a first step, the President of the Medical Staff and the Chief Medical Officer could meet with the physician, share their concerns, and discuss next steps and options.  This discussion could include a request that the physician voluntarily refrain from exercising surgical privileges until the fitness for practice evaluation can be completed and reviewed by the Practitioner Health Committee.

A physician in this situation will almost always agree to get the evaluation even if they don’t necessarily think it’s needed.  You can use this approach even if it is not expressly spelled out in your bylaws.

Better yet, build this approach into your Medical Staff bylaws documents.  That way, Medical Staff leaders have the authority to require a fitness for practice evaluation by a physician approved by them and can get the necessary authorizations to share information with, and receive information from, the physician who performs the evaluation.  It also helps to have bylaws language which states that if a physician refuses to get the fitness for practice evaluation that the result would be an automatic relinquishment of clinical privileges, not a suspension.

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Susan Lapenta at

August 29, 2019

QUESTION:        Our Credentials Policy says that applicants for Medical Staff appointment and clinical privileges will be interviewed by the department chair, the Credentials Committee, the Medical Executive Committee, the Chief of Staff, the Chief Medical Officer or the Chief Executive Officer.  Is there really any benefit to performing an interview as a part of the credentialing process or should we just eliminate this language from our Policy?


ANSWER:            There certainly is some debate about the effectiveness of interviews in predicting future job performance.  However, much of the research indicates that unstructured job interviews are ineffective.  On the other hand, structured interviews are one of the most effective selection techniques.

In structured interviews, applicants are asked to respond to the same set of questions and their answers are rated on a standard scale.  Sounds complicated, right?  Not necessarily.  We understand that the development of a complex, standard scale for rating would involve the participation of experts; however, a common set of straightforward questions that are structured to elicit information about past behavior (as opposed to questions designed to elicit information about how an applicant would respond in a hypothetical situation) and that are relevant to Medical Staff appointment, measured against a simple rating scale, can be useful.  This task shouldn’t be outside of the Credentials Committee’s wheelhouse.

There is always the risk of variability among interviewers, but this could be minimized by having at least two individuals conducting the interview, using the same scale but rating separately, and then comparing notes after the interview to reduce variability in rating.

Like we mentioned earlier, questions about past behavior are key because there is less opportunity for an applicant to provide a response that is not capable of being verified.  Interview questions can also elicit information about whether the applicant’s views and practice style are consistent with the medical staff and hospital’s culture.

For example:

Q:        What attracts you to this hospital/why are you interested in working here?

Q:        Tell us about a time in which a case of yours was reviewed through the peer review process and how you participated/responded.

Q:        Describe a situation in which you were asked to do something beyond your established responsibilities (e.g., service on medical staff committee, fill in a call coverage gap) and tell us how you responded.

Q:        Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with another physician and how you dealt with that conflict.

Q:        What role do you see the nursing staff playing in patient care in the hospital?

If interviewing every applicant simply isn’t an option because of time constraints, interviews should, at the very least, be conducted when there are questions or concerns about the applicant’s qualifications, experience, education, training, or other aspects of his or her practice that have been raised at any time during the review of the application.  Thus, rather than having a strict requirement that all applicants will be interviewed, you can adjust your Policy language to instruct that applicants may be interviewed.