Question of the Week


Our emergency physician group has been recruiting to fill an open slot and they finally found someone.  They are eager to get her started ASAP, with temporary privileges.   While most of her references are stellar, one indicated that she was subject to a performance improvement plan related to medical recordkeeping three years ago.  She authorized us to inform the head of the ED group, and she explains that during a period of three months when she was caring for her ailing mother, she had some issues.  Since then there have been no problems, she says.    Should we wait for the full Credentials Committee to meet in three weeks?  The head of the ED group is very insistent.


It would be prudent to wait, so that you can get full information to verify her explanation.  Temporary privileges can be granted when there is a complete, clean application.  This application is not complete unless and until all issues have been explained to the satisfaction of the Credentials Committee.  A Credentials Committee sometimes recommends conditional appointment to address issues in an applicant’s background.  If you don’t follow your process for this applicant, others who do not satisfy your qualifications may demand that they also be granted temporary privileges. Physicians who have not been involved in credentialing may not appreciate the legal and accreditation standards that define circumstances in which temporary privileges may, or may not, be granted.

Join Barbara Blackmond and Charlie Chulack for an audio conference on December 11, 2102  to explore the pressures that sometimes lead hospital recruiters and physician groups to push for quick action on an application when that simply can’t be done safely and wisely.  We’ll provide some practical guidance to help educate all of those involved in recruitment.