Question of the Week

QUESTION:    This week’s question comes from Jack, who lives in Georgia, and who writes “Dear Countdown, my wife, Diane, has lived far away from me for the past several years as she went through residency.  It’s been very hard, but now things are looking up, since she’ll soon be taking the Midnight Train to Georgia and be with me again.  I’m wondering though – I’m on the Medical Executive Committee of a hospital, and Diane is going to apply for clinical privileges there.  I was told that I can’t vote on her application, but my thinking is What’s Love Got to Do with It?”

ANSWER:    Well, Jack, we don’t want you to be Alone Again (Naturally).  But in order for this story to have a happy ending, you’ll need to think back to your compliance training and Listen to What the Man Said about basic conflict of interest rules.  You see, you have, or reasonably could be perceived as having, a conflict of interest or bias regarding Diane’s application.  So, you can’t participate in the final discussion or vote on her application, and are required to be excused from the meeting during that time.  But, you may provide relevant information and answer any questions regarding her application before leaving.  Good luck Jack & Diane, and the Countdown wishes both of you Endless Love.