Question of the Week

Some of the physicians in our department are throwing a holiday party for staff.  It’s been a stressful year, and we are looking for a way to relax and have a little fun together.  We are planning on serving alcoholic beverages.  Is that a problem?

We appreciate your good intentions, and we don’t want to be the Scrooge who shuts down the party, but you do want to be careful.

We can’t count the number of times we’ve fielded calls from hospitals about work parties that turned into life-altering disasters with referrals to HR, Administration, Medical Executive Committee, Board, and the police.  Go ahead with the party (you might want to clear it with HR) but be careful and consider these practical tips:

  1. Make sure there is lots of food, so no one is drinking on an empty stomach.
  1. Make sure there are plenty of soft drinks, water, and coffee.
  1. Limit high-alcohol-content drinks and stop serving them in time for everyone to sober up for the drive home.
  1. Ask someone to serve as the equivalent of a designated driver to help make sure the drinking doesn’t get out of hand. No one expects the worst, but you should plan ahead.  Remember, calling an Uber is cheaper than the consequences by ten-fold.

Even parties that are held off-site could have serious work implications.  So, have some fun, enjoy yourself and your colleagues, and remember this sage advice: “everything in moderation.”

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Susan Lapenta at