Question of the Week

QUESTION:        The case description in McGary v. Williamsport Reg’l Med. Ctr. references the fact that a hospital “denied” a physician’s application for failure to meet threshold eligibility criteria.  Is that really a “denial”?  Isn’t there a better way?

ANSWER:            YES, there is a better way.  Medical Staff bylaws or credentials policies should clearly incorporate the concept of “eligibility” to apply for appointment and/or clinical privileges and should include a comprehensive list of objective eligibility criteria that must be met in order for an applicant to be considered eligible.  The threshold eligibility criteria should address both appointment qualifications (things like not having had a license revoked by a state agency) as well as privilege qualifications (things like the volume requirements at issue in the case, or additional certifications).   The provision should clearly allow for the determination that an applicant is not eligible for appointment and state that applications from individuals who do not meet the threshold eligibility criteria will not be processed.

Incorporating such a step into the bylaws would require that individuals who request applications be sent a request for application form that outlines, in detail, the threshold eligibility criteria for appointment, and requests that the applicant provide proof that he or she meets those threshold criteria.  Alternatively, if the idea of incorporating a two-step request for application process is too onerous, this could also be accomplished by sending a detailed cover letter with the application form that sets out the eligibility criteria.  Those individuals who do not meet the “threshold” criteria for Medical Staff appointment and clinical privileges should be informed that they are ineligible to receive an application or to apply for staff appointment and privileges.  The bylaws should also clearly state that a determination that someone is ineligible to apply is not a “denial” of appointment that entitles the individual to a hearing, nor is it reportable to the state licensure agency or the National Practitioner Data Bank.