Question of the Week

QUESTION:        In one of the cases in this week’s Health Law Express, the hospital was required to give physicians a hearing for failing to provide data — is that generally an event that would give rise to a hearing?

ANSWER:            Good catch!  The court in Blaine v. North Brevard County Hospital District did indeed require the hospital to give the plaintiff physicians a hearing.  According to the court, under the medical staff bylaws, the hospital was required to give the physicians a hearing before their request for reappointment and renewal of clinical privileges could be denied for failing to provide “patient data.”  The “patient data” appeared to be related to the hospital’s cancer program and necessary for accreditation purposes.

The court did not cite the bylaws provision that led to its determination that the physicians were entitled to a hearing or specify whether the “patient data” was related to the physicians’ qualifications.  Nonetheless, your Bylaws (or Credentials Policy) should contain language stating that an individual does not have a right to a hearing when that individual fails to provide information pertaining to his or her qualifications for appointment or clinical privileges.

Assuming the “patient data” requested by the hospital in the Blaine case was related to the physicians’ qualifications for appointment or clinical privileges, a Bylaws provision instructing that failure to provide this information results in “automatic relinquishment” of appointment and clinical privileges until the information is provided is critical.  There are often times that the hospital and medical staff need information which the individual controls to allow them to make an informed decision on the individual’s qualifications.  For example, the hospital may need to evaluate a physician’s ability to return to practice from a leave of absence for substance dependence rehabilitation.  If the physician refuses to sign a release allowing the hospital to communicate with the rehab entity about the physician’s prognosis and any limitations on the physician’s practice, this would hamstring the hospital’s ability to confirm whether the physician is able to safely return to practice.

The Bylaws should also clearly set out the actions which are grounds for a hearing and the actions not grounds for a hearing, with automatic relinquishment of appointment and privileges falling into the latter category.  If an individual fails to provide information that is relevant to his or her qualifications pursuant to a request by an authorized medical staff leader or committee, the only issue is whether the individual did or did not provide the information.  A hearing is not necessary to make such an administrative determination.

For more information on these difficult types of credentialing issues and good Bylaws language, join Susan Lapenta and Charlie Chulack on March 7-9 in Orlando, Florida for Credentialing for Excellence.