Question of the Week

QUESTION:       I’ve heard that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) have concluded their series of COVID-19 Office Hours Calls.  Are there any other channels we can use to pose questions to the agency?

ANSWER:          It’s true that the CMS Office Hours series has concluded.  The last call was Tuesday, April 6.  At the conclusion of that Office Hours session, CMS encouraged listeners to direct future COVID-19 questions to the Provider-Specific “Open Door Forums.”  A list of those regularly scheduled calls can be found here.  That page also includes the option to sign up for a mailing list that will notify you of upcoming sessions.

Depending on the nature of your question, you may also be able to find the answer in a transcript from an earlier call.  CMS has provided transcripts for each of its COVID-19 Office Hours Calls at this web page.

Of course, you can always skip that process and instead contact us.  We’ll be happy to assist you.