Question of the Week

QUESTION:   “We have a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination program for our employees.  If an employee has an adverse reaction to the vaccination, are we required to record it in our Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) 300 log?”

ANSWER:      No, not at this time, but here’s the background.  On April 20, 2021, in its FAQs, OSHA stated that an adverse reaction would be recordable if the injury or illness was work-related (OSHA’s position was that if the vaccine was mandated by employers, it was work-related), it was a new case, and the illness met one of the recording criteria (days off of work, restricted work, medical treatment beyond first aid, etc.).  However, OSHA has since updated its guidance and has stated that at this time it will no longer require employers to record those events since it might disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts.  OSHA stated that it won’t enforce the rule until May 2022.