Kansas Peer Review Statute

The information on this page was last updated by Horty, Springer & Mattern on March 3, 2025.



Kan. Stat. Ann. §65-442. Limited liability for medical care facilities and certain duly appointed officials thereof; good faith requirement.

(a) There shall be no liability on the part of, and no action for damages shall arise against, any duly appointed member of the governing board or the duly appointed member of a committee of the medical staff of a licensed medical care facility for any act, statement or proceeding undertaken or performed within the scope of the functions and within the course of the performance of the duties of such committee of the medical staff if such member acted in good faith and without malice, and the medical staff operates pursuant to written bylaws that have been approved by the governing board of the medical care facility.

(b) There shall be no liability on the part of and no action for damages shall arise against any licensed medical care facility because of the rendering of or failure to render professional services within such medical care facility by a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery if such person is not an employee or agent of such medical care facility.

§65-4915. Peer review; health care providers, services and costs; definitions; authority of peer review officer or committee; records and testimony of information contained therein privileged; licensing agency disciplinary proceedings; exceptions.

(a) As used in this section:

(1) “Health care provider” means: (A) Those persons and entities defined as a health care provider under K.S.A. 40-3401, and amendments thereto; and (B) a dentist licensed by the Kansas dental board, a dental hygienist licensed by the Kansas dental board, a professional nurse licensed by the board of nursing, a practical nurse licensed by the board of nursing, a mental health technician licensed by the board of nursing, a physical therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts, a physical therapist assistant certified by the state board of healing arts, an occupational therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts, an occupational therapy assistant licensed by the state board of healing arts, a respiratory therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts, a physician assistant licensed by the state board of healing arts and emergency medical service provider and ambulance services certified by the emergency medical services board.

(2) “Health care provider group” means:

(A) A state or local association of health care providers or one or more committees thereof;

(B) the board of governors created under K.S.A. 40-3403, and amendments thereto;

(C) an organization of health care providers formed pursuant to state or federal law and authorized to evaluate medical and health care services;

(D) a review committee operating pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2840c, and amendments thereto;

(E) an organized medical staff of a licensed medical care facility as defined by K.S.A. 65-425, and amendments thereto, an organized medical staff of a private psychiatric hospital licensed under K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, or an organized medical staff of a state psychiatric hospital or state institution for people with intellectual disability, as follows: Larned state hospital, Osawatomie state hospital, Rainbow mental health facility, Kansas neurological institute and Parsons state hospital and training center;

(F) a health care provider;

(G) a professional society of health care providers or one or more committees thereof;

(H) a Kansas corporation whose stockholders or members are health care providers or an association of health care providers, which corporation evaluates medical and health care services;

(I) an insurance company, health maintenance organization or administrator of a health benefits plan that engages in any of the functions defined as peer review under this section; or

(J) the university of Kansas medical center.

(3) “Peer review” means any of the following functions:

(A) Evaluate and improve the quality of health care services rendered by health care providers;

(B) determine that health services rendered were professionally indicated or were performed in compliance with the applicable standard of care;

(C) determine that the cost of health care rendered was considered reasonable by the providers of professional health services in this area;

(D) evaluate the qualifications, competence and performance of the providers of health care or to act upon matters relating to the discipline of any individual provider of health care;

(E) reduce morbidity or mortality;

(F) establish and enforce guidelines designed to keep within reasonable bounds the cost of health care;

(G) conduct of research;

(H) determine if a hospital’s facilities are being properly utilized;

(I) supervise, discipline, admit, determine privileges or control members of a hospital’s medical staff;

(J) review the professional qualifications or activities of health care providers;

(K) evaluate the quantity, quality and timeliness of health care services rendered to patients in the facility;

(L) evaluate, review or improve methods, procedures or treatments being utilized by the medical care facility or by health care providers in a facility rendering health care.

(4) “Peer review officer or committee” means:

(A) An individual employed, designated or appointed by, or a committee of or employed, designated or appointed by, a health care provider group and authorized to perform peer review; or

(B) a health care provider monitoring the delivery of health care at correctional institutions under the jurisdiction of the secretary of corrections.

(b) Except as provided by K.S.A. 60-437, and amendments thereto, and by subsections (c) and (d), the reports, statements, memoranda, proceedings, findings and other records submitted to or generated by peer review committees or officers shall be privileged and shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity or be admissible in evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding. Information contained in such records shall not be discoverable or admissible at trial in the form of testimony by an individual who participated in the peer review process. The peer review officer or committee creating or initially receiving the record is the holder of the privilege established by this section. This privilege may be claimed by the legal entity creating the peer review committee or officer, or by the commissioner of insurance for any records or proceedings of the board of governors.

(c) Subsection (b) shall not apply to proceedings in which a health care provider contests the revocation, denial, restriction or termination of staff privileges or the license, registration, certification or other authorization to practice of the health care provider. A licensing agency in conducting a disciplinary proceeding in which admission of any peer review committee report, record or testimony is proposed shall hold the hearing in closed session when any such report, record or testimony is disclosed. Unless otherwise provided by law, a licensing agency conducting a disciplinary proceeding may close only that portion of the hearing in which disclosure of a report or record privileged under this section is proposed. In closing a portion of a hearing as provided by this section, the presiding officer may exclude any person from the hearing location except the licensee, the licensee’s attorney, the agency’s attorney, the witness, the court reporter and appropriate staff support for either counsel. The licensing agency shall make the portions of the agency record in which such report or record is disclosed subject to a protective order prohibiting further disclosure of such report or record. Such report or record shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity. No person in attendance at a closed portion of a disciplinary proceeding shall at a subsequent civil, criminal or administrative hearing, be required to testify regarding the existence or content of a report or record privileged under this section that was disclosed in a closed portion of a hearing, nor shall such testimony be admitted into evidence in any subsequent civil, criminal or administrative hearing. A licensing agency conducting a disciplinary proceeding may review peer review committee records, testimony or reports but must prove its findings with independently obtained testimony or records that shall be presented as part of the disciplinary proceeding in open meeting of the licensing agency. Offering such testimony or records in an open public hearing shall not be deemed a waiver of the peer review privilege relating to any peer review committee testimony, records or report.

(d) Nothing in this section shall limit the authority that may otherwise be provided by law of the commissioner of insurance, the state board of healing arts or other health care provider licensing or disciplinary boards of this state to require a peer review committee or officer to report to it any disciplinary action or recommendation of such committee or officer; to transfer to it records of such committee’s or officer’s proceedings or actions to restrict or revoke the license, registration, certification or other authorization to practice of a health care provider; or to terminate the liability of the fund for all claims against a specific health care provider for damages for death or personal injury pursuant to K.S.A. 40-3403(i), and amendments thereto. Reports and records so furnished shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity and shall not be admissible in evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding other than a disciplinary proceeding by the state board of healing arts or other health care provider licensing or disciplinary boards of this state.

(e) A peer review committee or officer may report to and discuss its activities, information and findings to other peer review committees or officers or to a board of directors or an administrative officer of a health care provider without waiver of the privilege provided by subsection (b) and the records of all such committees or officers relating to such report shall be privileged as provided by subsection (b).

(f) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent an insured from obtaining information pertaining to payment of benefits under a contract with an insurance company, a health maintenance organization or an administrator of a health benefits plan.65-4921. Definitions

§65-4921. Definitions.

As used in K.S.A. 65-4921 through 65-4930, and amendments thereto:

(a) “Appropriate licensing agency” means the agency that issued the license to the individual or health care provider who is the subject of a report under this act.

(b) “Department” means the department of health and environment.

(c) “Health care provider” means: (1) Those persons and entities defined as a health care provider under K.S.A. 40-3401, and amendments thereto; and (2) a dentist licensed by the Kansas dental board, a dental hygienist licensed by the Kansas dental board, a professional nurse licensed by the board of nursing, a practical nurse licensed by the board of nursing, a mental health technician licensed by the board of nursing, a physical therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts, a physical therapist assistant certified by the state board of healing arts, an occupational therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts, an occupational therapy assistant licensed by the state board of healing arts and a respiratory therapist licensed by the state board of healing arts.

(d) “License,” “licensee” and “licensing” include comparable terms that relate to regulation similar to licensure, such as registration.

(e) “Medical care facility” means: (1) A medical care facility licensed under K.S.A. 65-425 et seq., and amendments thereto; (2) a private psychiatric hospital licensed under K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto; and (3) state psychiatric hospitals and state institutions for people with intellectual disability, as follows: Larned state hospital, Osawatomie state hospital, Rainbow mental health facility, Kansas neurological institute and Parsons state hospital and training center.

(f) “Reportable incident” means an act by a health care provider that: (1) Is or may be below the applicable standard of care and has a reasonable probability of causing injury to a patient; or (2) may be grounds for disciplinary action by the appropriate licensing agency.

(g) “Risk manager” means the individual designated by a medical care facility to administer its internal risk management program and to receive reports of reportable incidents within the facility.

(h) “Secretary” means the secretary of health and environment.

§65-4922. Medical care facilities; risk management program required; submission of plan; inspections and investigations; approval of plan; reports and records confidential

(a) Each medical care facility shall establish and maintain an internal risk management program which shall consist of:

(1) A system for investigation and analysis of the frequency and causes of reportable incidents within the facility;

(2) measures to minimize the occurrence of reportable incidents and the resulting injuries within the facility; and

(3) a reporting system based upon the duty of all health care providers staffing the facility and all agents and employees of the facility directly involved in the delivery of health care services to report reportable incidents to the chief of the medical staff, chief administrative officer or risk manager of the facility.

(b) Not less than 60 days before the time for renewal of its license in 1987, each medical care facility shall submit to the department its plan for establishing and implementing an internal risk management program. Such plan may rely upon policies and procedures adopted by the medical care facility and its departments and committees. Failure to submit such a plan shall result in denial of the renewal of the facility’s license.

(c) The department shall make or cause to be made such inspections and investigations as it deems necessary to reasonably assure that each medical care facility is implementing the internal risk management program required by this section. In making such inspections and investigations, the department may review and copy the reports and records of all executive committees designated to investigate reportable incidents under this act.

(d) Upon review of a plan submitted pursuant to subsection (b), the department shall determine whether the plan meets criteria of this section. If the plan does not meet such criteria, the department shall disapprove the plan and return it to the facility, along with the reasons for disapproval. Within 60 days, the facility shall submit to the department a revised plan which meets the requirements of this section and any rules and regulations adopted hereunder. No medical care facility shall be granted renewal of its license in 1988 unless its plan has been approved by the department.

(e) A medical care facility shall not be liable for compliance with or failure to comply with the provisions of this section or any rules and regulations adopted hereunder, except as provided in K.S.A. 65-430 and amendments thereto.

(f) The secretary shall adopt such rules and regulations as necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of this section.

(g) Any reports and records reviewed or obtained by the department and in the department’s possession, pursuant to subsection (a) of K.S.A. 65-4925, and amendments thereto, shall be confidential and privileged and not subject to discovery, subpoena or legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity, nor shall they be admissible in any civil or administrative action other than a disciplinary proceeding by the department.

§65-4925. Reports, records and proceedings confidential and privileged; licensing agency disciplinary proceedings.

(a) The reports and records made pursuant to K.S.A. 65-4923 or 65-4924, and amendments thereto [relating to incident reporting and impaired providers], shall be confidential and privileged, including:

(1) Reports and records of executive or review committees of medical care facilities or of a professional society or organization;

(2) reports and records of the chief of the medical staff, chief administrative officer or risk manager of a medical care facility;

(3) reports and records of any state licensing agency or impaired provider committee of a professional society or organization; and

(4) reports made pursuant to this act to or by a medical care facility risk manager, any committee, the board of directors, administrative officer or any consultant.

Such reports and records shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity and shall not be admissible in any civil or administrative action other than a disciplinary proceeding by the appropriate state licensing agency.

(b) No person in attendance at any meeting of an executive or review committee of a medical care facility or of a professional society or organization while such committee is engaged in the duties imposed by K.S.A. 65-4923 shall be compelled to testify in any civil, criminal or administrative action, other than a disciplinary proceeding by the appropriate licensing agency, as to any committee discussions or proceedings.

(c) No person in attendance at any meeting of an impaired provider committee shall be required to testify, nor shall the testimony of such person be admitted into evidence, in any civil, criminal or administrative action, other than a disciplinary proceeding by the appropriate state licensing agency, as to any committee discussions or proceedings.

(d) Any person or committee performing any duty pursuant to this act shall be designated a peer review committee or officer pursuant to K.S.A. 65-4915 and amendments thereto.

(e) A licensing agency in conducting a disciplinary proceeding in which admission of any peer review committee report, record or testimony is proposed shall hold the hearing in closed session when any such report, record or testimony is disclosed. Unless otherwise provided by law, a licensing agency conducting a disciplinary proceeding may close only that portion of the hearing in which disclosure of a report or record privileged under this section is proposed. In closing a portion of a hearing as provided by this section, the presiding officer may exclude any person from the hearing location except the licensee, the licensee’s attorney, the agency’s attorney, the witness, the court reporter and appropriate staff support for either counsel. The licensing agency shall make the portions of the agency record in which such report or record is disclosed subject to a protective order prohibiting further disclosure of such report or record. Such report or record shall not be subject to discovery, subpoena or other means of legal compulsion for their release to any person or entity. No person in attendance at a closed portion of a disciplinary proceeding shall at a subsequent civil, criminal or administrative hearing, be required to testify regarding the existence or content of a report or record privileged under this section which was disclosed in a closed portion of a hearing, nor shall such testimony be admitted into evidence in any subsequent civil, criminal or administrative hearing. A licensing agency conducting a disciplinary proceeding may review peer review committee records, testimony or reports but must prove its findings with independently obtained testimony or records which shall be presented as part of the disciplinary proceeding in open meeting of the licensing agency. Offering such testimony or records in an open public hearing shall not be deemed a waiver of the peer review privilege relating to any peer review committee testimony, records or report.

§65-4929. Purpose of risk management programs; status of entities conducting programs; antitrust immunity.

(a) The legislature of the state of Kansas recognizes the importance and necessity of providing and regulating certain aspects of health care delivery in order to protect the public’s general health, safety and welfare. Implementation of risk management plans and reporting systems as required by K.S.A. 65-4922, 65-4923 and 65-4924 and peer review pursuant to K.S.A. 65-4915 and amendments thereto effectuate this policy.

(b) Health care providers and review, executive or impaired provider committees performing their duties under K.S.A. 65-4922, 65-4923 and 65-4924 and peer review pursuant to K.S.A. 65-4915 and amendments thereto for the purposes expressed in subsection (a) and 65-4915 and amendments thereto shall be considered to be state officers engaged in a discretionary function and all immunity of the state shall be extended to such health care providers and committees, including that from the federal and state antitrust laws.

(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require health care providers or review, executive or impaired provider committees to be subject to or comply with any other law relating to or regulating state agencies, officers or employees.

§40-3401. Definitions.

As used in this act [Health Care Provider Insurance]:

(a) “Applicant” means any healthcare provider.

(b) “Basic coverage” means a policy of professional liability insurance required to be maintained by each healthcare provider pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 40-3402(a) or (b), and amendments thereto.

(c) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of insurance.

(d) “Fiscal year” means the year commencing on the effective date of this act and each year, commencing on the first day of July thereafter.

(e) “Fund” means the healthcare stabilization fund established pursuant to K.S.A. 40-3403(a), and amendments thereto.

(f) “Healthcare provider” means a person licensed to practice any branch of the healing arts by the state board of healing arts, a person who holds a temporary permit to practice any branch of the healing arts issued by the state board of healing arts, a person engaged in a postgraduate training program approved by the state board of healing arts, a medical care facility licensed by the state of Kansas, a podiatrist licensed by the state board of healing arts, a health maintenance organization issued a certificate of authority by the commissioner, an optometrist licensed by the board of examiners in optometry, a pharmacist licensed by the state board of pharmacy, a licensed professional nurse who is authorized to practice as a registered nurse anesthetist, a licensed professional nurse who has been granted a temporary authorization to practice nurse anesthesia under K.S.A. 65-1153, and amendments thereto, a professional corporation organized pursuant to the professional corporation law of Kansas by persons who are authorized by such law to form such a corporation and who are healthcare providers as defined by this subsection, a Kansas limited liability company organized for the purpose of rendering professional services by its members who are healthcare providers as defined by this subsection and who are legally authorized to render the professional services for which the limited liability company is organized, a partnership of persons who are healthcare providers under this subsection, a Kansas not-for-profit corporation organized for the purpose of rendering professional services by persons who are healthcare providers as defined by this subsection, a nonprofit corporation organized to administer the graduate medical education programs of community hospitals or medical care facilities affiliated with the university of Kansas school of medicine, a dentist certified by the state board of healing arts to administer anesthetics under K.S.A. 65-2899, and amendments thereto, a psychiatric hospital licensed prior to January 1, 1988, and continuously thereafter under K.S.A. 75-3307b, prior to its repeal, and K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, or a mental health center or mental health clinic licensed by the state of Kansas. On and after January 1, 2015, “healthcare provider” also means a physician assistant licensed by the state board of healing arts, a licensed advanced practice registered nurse who is authorized by the board of nursing to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse in the classification of a nurse-midwife, a licensed advanced practice registered nurse who has been granted a temporary authorization by the board of nursing to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse in the classification of a nurse-midwife, a nursing facility licensed by the state of Kansas, an assisted living facility licensed by the state of Kansas or a residential healthcare facility licensed by the state of Kansas. “healthcare provider” does not include: (1) Any state institution for people with intellectual disability; (2) any state psychiatric hospital; (3) any person holding an exempt license issued by the state board of healing arts or the board of nursing; (4) any person holding a visiting clinical professor license from the state board of healing arts; (5) any person holding an inactive license issued by the state board of healing arts; (6) any person holding a federally active license issued by the state board of healing arts; (7) an advanced practice registered nurse who is authorized by the board of nursing to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse in the classification of nurse-midwife or nurse anesthetist and who practices solely in the course of employment or active duty in the United States government or any of its departments, bureaus or agencies or who provides professional services as a charitable healthcare provider as defined under K.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto; or (8) a physician assistant licensed by the state board of healing arts who practices solely in the course of employment or active duty in the United States government or any of its departments, bureaus or agencies or who provides professional services as a charitable healthcare provider as defined under K.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto.

(g) “Inactive healthcare provider” means a person or other entity who purchased basic coverage or qualified as a self-insurer on or subsequent to the effective date of this act but who, at the time a claim is made for personal injury or death arising out of the rendering of or the failure to render professional services by such healthcare provider, does not have basic coverage or self-insurance in effect solely because such person is no longer engaged in rendering professional service as a healthcare provider.

(h) “Insurer” means any corporation, association, reciprocal exchange, inter-insurer and any other legal entity authorized to write bodily injury or property damage liability insurance in this state, including workers compensation and automobile liability insurance, pursuant to the provisions of the acts contained in article 9, 11, 12 or 16 of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto.

(i) “Plan” means the operating and administrative rules and procedures developed by insurers and rating organizations or the commissioner to make professional liability insurance available to healthcare providers.

(j) “Professional liability insurance” means insurance providing coverage for legal liability arising out of the performance of professional services rendered or that should have been rendered by a healthcare provider.

(k) “Rating organization” means a corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership or an individual licensed pursuant to K.S.A. 40-956, and amendments thereto, to make rates for professional liability insurance.

(l) “Self-insurer” means a healthcare provider who qualifies as a self-insurer pursuant to K.S.A. 40-3414, and amendments thereto.

(m) “Medical care facility” means the same when used in the healthcare provider insurance availability act as defined in K.S.A. 65-425, and amendments thereto, except that as used in the healthcare provider insurance availability act such term, as it relates to insurance coverage under the healthcare provider insurance availability act, also includes any director, trustee, officer or administrator of a medical care facility.

(n) “Mental health center” means a mental health center licensed by the state of Kansas under K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, except that as used in the healthcare provider insurance availability act such term, as it relates to insurance coverage under the healthcare provider insurance availability act, also includes any director, trustee, officer or administrator of a mental health center.

(o) “Mental health clinic” means a mental health clinic licensed by the state of Kansas under K.S.A. 39-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, except that as used in the healthcare provider insurance availability act such term, as it relates to insurance coverage under the healthcare provider insurance availability act, also includes any director, trustee, officer or administrator of a mental health clinic.

(p) “State institution for people with intellectual disability” means Winfield state hospital and training center, Parsons state hospital and training center and the Kansas neurological institute.

(q) “State psychiatric hospital” means Larned state hospital, Osawatomie state hospital and Rainbow mental health facility.

(r) “Person engaged in residency training” means:

(1) A person engaged in a postgraduate training program approved by the state board of healing arts who is employed by and is studying at the university of Kansas medical center only when such person is engaged in medical activities that do not include extracurricular, extra-institutional medical service for which such person receives extra compensation and that have not been approved by the dean of the school of medicine and the executive vice-chancellor of the university of Kansas medical center. Persons engaged in residency training shall be considered resident healthcare providers for purposes of K.S.A. 40-3401 et seq., and amendments thereto; and

(2) a person engaged in a postgraduate training program approved by the state board of healing arts who is employed by a nonprofit corporation organized to administer the graduate medical education programs of community hospitals or medical care facilities affiliated with the university of Kansas school of medicine or who is employed by an affiliate of the university of Kansas school of medicine as defined in K.S.A. 76-367, and amendments thereto, only when such person is engaged in medical activities that do not include extracurricular, extra-institutional medical service for which such person receives extra compensation and that have not been approved by the chief operating officer of the non-profit corporation or the chief operating officer of the affiliate and the executive vice-chancellor of the university of Kansas medical center.

(s) “Full-time physician faculty employed by the university of Kansas medical center” means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery who holds a full-time appointment at the university of Kansas medical center when such person is providing healthcare. A person licensed to practice medicine and surgery who holds a full-time appointment at the university of Kansas medical center may also be employed part-time by the United States department of veterans affairs if such employment is approved by the executive vice-chancellor of the university of Kansas medical center.

(t) “Sexual act” or “sexual activity” means that sexual conduct that constitutes a criminal or tortious act under the laws of the state of Kansas.

(u) “Board” means the board of governors created by K.S.A. 40-3403, and amendments thereto.

(v) “Board of directors” means the governing board created by K.S.A. 40-3413, and amendments thereto.

(w) “Locum tenens contract” means a temporary agreement not exceeding 182 days per calendar year that employs a healthcare provider to actively render professional services in this state.

(x) “Professional services” means patient care or other services authorized under the act governing licensure of a healthcare provider.

(y) “Healthcare facility” means a nursing facility, an assisted living facility or a residential healthcare facility as all such terms are defined in K.S.A. 39-923, and amendments thereto.

(z) “Charitable healthcare provider” means the same as defined in K.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto.

Kan. Admin. Reg. §28-52-4. Standard-of-care determinations.

(a) Each facility shall assure that analysis of patient care incidents complies with the definition of a “reportable incident” set forth at K.S.A. 65-4921. Each facility shall use categories to record its analysis of each incident, and those categories shall be in substantially the following form:

(1) Standards of care met;

(2) standards of care not met, but with no reasonable probability of causing injury;

(3) standards of care not met, with injury occurring or reasonably probable; or

(4) possible grounds for disciplinary action by the appropriate licensing agency.

(b) Each reported incident shall be assigned an appropriate standard-of-care determination under the jurisdiction of a designated risk management committee. Separate standard-of-care-determinations shall be made for each involved provider and each clinical issue reasonably presented by the facts. Any incident determined by the designated risk management committee to meet category (a)(3) or (a)(4) shall be considered a “reportable incident” and reported to the appropriate licensing agency in accordance with K.S.A. 65-4923.

(c) Each standard-of-care determination shall be dated and signed by an appropriately credentialed clinician authorized to review patient care incidents on behalf of the designated committee. In those cases in which documented primary review by individual clinicians or subordinate committees does not occur, standard-of-care determinations shall be documented in the minutes of the designated committee on a case-specific basis. Standard-of-care determinations made by individual clinicians and subordinate committees shall be approved by the designated risk management committee on at least a statistical basis.