(July 17 – 23, 2020)

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HHS Distributes Second Round of COVID-19 High-Impact Relief Payments

The Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) announced that it will be providing $10 billion in additional relief payments to hospitals located in high-impact COVID-19 areas.  More than 1,000 hospitals nationwide will be receiving this assistance.  Hospitals will be paid $50,000 per eligible admission.  This second-round distribution of high-impact relief payments, set to begin on July 27, 2020, builds upon HHS’s initial first-round distribution back in May.

OIG Updates Its Work Plan

The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) updated its public-facing Work Plan.  The OIG Work Plan summarizes new, ongoing, and revised areas of review that the OIG plans to pursue.  The latest updates include reviews of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s collection and use of data regarding disparities in COVID-19 cases and outcomes, the geographic distribution of Provider Relief Funds to communities disproportionately affected by adverse COVID-19 outcomes, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ distribution and recovery of payments via its Accelerated and Advance Payment Program.