November 14, 2024

We have an applicant for appointment and privileges who disclosed that she recently enrolled in our state health program and that she had enrolled in a similar program in the state where she previously practiced.  The applicant also shared that she had completed inpatient treatment for substance use disorder earlier in the year.   We were not particularly concerned with this disclosure since the applicant is being monitored by our state program which is quite thorough.

However, we just learned that the applicant’s employment had been terminated, by her previous employer, for practicing in the clinic while impaired.  We are concerned because she misrepresented this information on her application form. What can we do?

Bylaws or credentials policies (the “Credentials Policy”) often allow a hospital to “not process an application” when there are misstatements or omissions.  Typically, the Credentials Policy requires, in situations like this one, that the applicant be notified, in writing, about the potential misstatement or omission, and be invited to explain.  Thereafter, the response will be reviewed, often by the Chair of the Credentials Committee and the Chief Medical Officer, and a determination will be made whether the application should be processed further.

Importantly, this process does not result in a “denial” of the application.  And, the Credentials Policy should make it clear that “No action taken pursuant to this Section will entitle the applicant or member to a hearing or appeal.”

This process should not be different even if an applicant is claiming a disability.  A physician’s substance use disorder may be a protected disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).  And, the ADA may not allow inquiries related to a physician’s impairment prior to a determination that the physician is otherwise qualified to fulfill the essential functions of appointment and clinical privileges.  However, an impairment does not excuse a physician for misstating information on an application, including that the physician was terminated, or otherwise disciplined, for practicing while impaired.

Therefore, you are free to treat a misstatement, like the one you described, in a manner consistent with any other misstatement or omission.  That means, if you provide notice to the applicant of the misstatement or omission and allow the applicant to respond and, thereafter, determine that the misstatement or omission is substantial enough to support a legitimate concern about the applicant’s integrity, you may, consistent with the controlling documents, decide not to process the application further.

Ideally, your Credentials Policy should treat these decisions as administrative in nature.  This decision should not be considered an adverse professional review action.  The decision not to process the application, because of a misstatement or omission, should not trigger a right to a hearing.  Thus, these decisions are not reportable to the National Practitioner Data Bank and should not be reportable to the state board either.

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Susan Lapenta at

November 7, 2024

We asked Grok AI “What do you know about HortySpringer?” Here is what it said.

Based on the information available up to September 2024, Horty, Springer & Mattern, P.C. is a law firm based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a specialization in healthcare law. Here’s what can be inferred or is directly known about them:

  1. Specialization: The firm focuses exclusively on healthcare law, which means they deal with a wide array of legal issues related to healthcare providers, including hospitals, health systems, HMOs, managed care organizations, and other healthcare entities.  Their expertise covers areas like medical staff bylaws, physician contracts, healthcare compliance, and more.
  1. History: Founded in 1971, the firm has over 50 years of experience in the healthcare sector.  This longevity suggests a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of healthcare law.
  1. Clientele: They serve clients across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, indicating a national reach and reputation in healthcare legal services.  This includes consulting with physician leaders, health system executives, and boards, suggesting they’re involved in high-level strategic and governance issues within healthcare organizations.
  1. Innovative Practices: HortySpringer has been recognized for innovation, particularly in how they deliver legal services.  They’ve developed tools like HortySpringer LegalSifter Essentials Edition, which combines legal best practices with AI to help clients manage contract reviews more efficiently.  This indicates an approach towards modernizing legal services with technology.
  1. Education and Training: The firm offers training programs like HortySpringer Pathways, aimed at hospital and physician leaders to manage and oversee medical staff, which underscores their commitment to not just legal advice but also in enhancing the operational capabilities of healthcare professionals through legal education.
  1. Publications and Engagement: They engage actively with the healthcare community through newsletters like the Health Law Express, indicating a commitment to keeping their clients and the broader healthcare community updated on legal changes and best practices.
  1. Legal Expertise: Their involvement in cases and discussions around significant legal issues like the PSQIA (Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act) and the implications of Supreme Court decisions on healthcare indicates they’re not just practitioners but also contributors to the legal discourse in healthcare.
  1. Size and Structure: The firm has around 14 attorneys, all based in Pittsburgh, focusing solely on health care, which might suggest a boutique yet highly specialized approach to legal services.

In summary, Horty, Springer & Mattern, P.C. is recognized for its deep expertise in healthcare law, innovative service delivery, and a comprehensive approach that includes legal advice, education, and active engagement in healthcare policy and legal developments.  Their focus on healthcare governance, compliance, and operational support for healthcare entities makes them a notable entity in the legal landscape of healthcare in the U.S.

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Nick Calabrese at

October 31, 2024

We are working on rewriting our Medical Staff governance documents and noticed that the discussion draft of the Medical Staff Bylaws prepared by HSM attorneys includes the details on histories and physicals.  Why are the specifics of histories and physicals included in the Bylaws instead of the Medical Staff Rules and Regulations?

This is a question and answer (but mostly the answer) that has perplexed us for quite some time so we understand any confusion.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) Conditions of Participation (“CoPs”), which are the federal regulations with which hospitals must comply to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, require the Medical Staff Bylaws to include certain details on histories and physicals, including those related to timing, practitioner eligibility for completion, use of histories and physicals performed before admission or registration, and options for using an “assessment” for outpatient surgical or procedural services.  See 42 C.F.R. § 482.22(c)(5).  Accreditation entities have followed suit and also require this information related to histories and physicals to be in the Bylaws.  See, e.g., The Joint Commission, Standards & EPs, MS.01.01.01, EP 16 (“The medical staff bylaws include…[t]he requirements for completing and documenting medical histories and physical examinations.”).

In the past, we assumed that CMS was using “Bylaws” in the CoPs generally to encompass any of the Medical Staff governance documents, including the Rules and Regulations.  Thus, if a hospital was using a separate document approach (i.e., Bylaws, Credentials Policy, Organization Manual, Rules and Regulations, etc.), histories and physicals could be addressed in the Rules and Regulations.  This makes sense because the Rules and Regulations, traditionally, cover the rules for clinical services and the provision of care, such as those related to admissions, orders, consultations, surgical services, and anesthesia.  The rules for histories and physicals would be a logical fit for the Rules and Regulations.  However, we received feedback from CMS that the details on histories and physicals specified in the CoPs must be included in the Bylaws document itself.

Some medical staffs with which we have worked include only what is required by CMS in the Bylaws and then include additional details on histories and physicals (e.g., the details of the examination and documentation of the examination) in the Rules and Regulations.  This is perfectly acceptable but results in fragmentation and documents that are difficult to reference for purposes of discovering all the requirements for histories and physicals.  It may be easier to simply include all the specifics on the topic in the Medical Staff Bylaws with a cross-reference in the Rules and Regulations to the appropriate section, article, or appendix of the Bylaws.

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Charlie Chulack at

October 24, 2024

After attending HortySpringer’s Peer Review Clinic in Amelia Island earlier this year, we decided to ramp up a multi-specialty peer review committee to provide oversight over what has traditionally been a department-based process at our hospital.  We are struggling with what kind of information that new committee should share with our MEC.  Any tips or suggestions?

First off, thanks for attending the PRC! We are glad to hear our recommendations were helpful!

As it relates to your question, we recommend that your MEC not be given detailed, practitioner-specific information about individual cases that the multi-specialty peer review committee is reviewing.  There are several reasons for this recommendation:

  • If a peer review matter cannot be successfully resolved by the peer review committee, the matter may end up on the MEC’s agenda. If the MEC has been receiving detailed, practitioner-specific reports throughout the review process leading up to that referral, the physician under review may allege that the MEC has already “pre-judged” the matter and were biased by all the sound bites it received from the peer review committee.
  • The MEC is the only Medical Staff body that can recommend or take disciplinary action with respect to a physician, so to promote positive engagement with the peer review process, we like to keep the MEC out of day-to-day “routine” peer review matters. We have found this can help change the perception of peer review from one that has traditionally been viewed as punitive to one that is educational and constructive.
  • Providing practitioner-specific details to the 20 or 30 people who are in the room at your MEC meetings can undermine the principle that the peer review process is confidential.

All of the above has led us to believe that the MEC can satisfy its legal responsibilities to oversee the peer review process by reviewing aggregate, anonymized reports regarding the activities of the peer review committee, without having to give practitioner-specific details.

If you have a quick question about this, e-mail Ian Donaldson at

December 8, 2022

We have an applicant who is refusing to provide additional information regarding a question that she answered on our application form about a pending malpractice action because she says that her lawyer told her it could jeopardize her position in the pending litigation.  The physician’s description of the pending case is unusual and does cause concern regarding the privileges she is requesting and we think the information being requested is relevant to her request for appointment at our hospital.  Can we still ask for the information?  Should we ask for a letter from her lawyer?  Should the application be held incomplete?

Yes! Credentialers have a duty to review all of the relevant qualifications of each applicant for Medical Staff appointment and clinical privileges and cannot allow the legal interests of an applicant, in an unrelated matter, to interfere with that duty.  Accordingly, the Medical Staff Bylaws (or related policies) should state very clearly that every applicant bears the burden of submitting a complete application and of producing information deemed adequate by the hospital for a proper evaluation of current competence, character, ethics, and other qualifications and for resolving any doubts.

A somewhat similar issue arose in a 1997 case, Eyring v. East Tennessee Baptist Hospital, 950 S.W.2d 354 (Tenn. Ct. App. 1997), in which a physician applicant refused to sign a release form authorizing a hospital where he had previously practiced, to send information to another hospital where he had made an application.  The physician argued that he received legal advice that signing the release could compromise his lawsuit against that hospital, which had revoked his privileges.  The court held that because the physician had not provided the additional information that the hospital requested regardless of the fact that a settlement agreement was in place, he had not submitted a complete application and, thus, under its Bylaws, the hospital was not required to process his application further.  Bottom line, the caselaw is very strong in this area in terms of supporting hospitals and medical staffs that are requesting information from applicants relevant to an assessment of their qualifications – do not be thrown off course by lawyers!

October 27, 2022

A few weeks ago, an OB resigned from our medical staff to take an opportunity out of state.  Well, one of the OB’s cases was flagged this week by a peer review specialist who sent me an email asking whether we should continue with our standard peer review process.  Do you have any guidance?

This situation is rather common, but always a little tricky.  Because the OB is no longer a member of your medical staff, we would advise that peer review of that OB’s medical services provided at your hospital should be discontinued.  The purpose of peer reviewing a specific physician is to ensure and improve quality; this purpose can no longer be effectuated if the OB has left the medical staff.  Among other things, many of the tools that could be used to improve care would no longer be available (such as asking the OB questions about the case, having the OB complete additional training, or monitoring a few of the OB’s cases at the hospital).

Also, depending on state law, a malpractice attorney may argue that the peer review privilege no longer applies to reviews conducted after the OB has left the medical staff.  Finally, if the OB turns around and sues the hospital for whatever reason, continuing peer review of the OB after their departure may give an eager plaintiff’s attorney something to leech onto (e.g., allegations that the purpose of the review is to harm the physician).

This does not mean the case should completely evaporate and if any system-issues were identified outside of the care being provided by the OB, then those system-issues are still prevalent and should be addressed.  We would just advise that any issues related to the OB’s practice at the hospital be put aside.

June 2, 2022

As part of our routine peer review process, we’re doing a better job of getting input from the physician under review. When we recently asked a physician for comments on a behavioral concern that had been raised, the physician asked who filed the report. Should we disclose that information?

No. You mentioned that this review is occurring as part of your routine peer review process. At this stage in the peer review process, we recommend erring in favor of protecting the identity of those who are willing to come forward and raise a concern.

In most cases, particularly with clinical concerns, the identity of the person who raised the issue is irrelevant. The matter will be evaluated based on what’s in the medical record.

With behavioral concerns, there are often multiple people who witnessed the conduct that is being reviewed. Assuming those witnesses are interviewed, and they corroborate the concern raised by the person who reported, the identity of the person who reported is irrelevant.

Even where the identity of the reporter isn’t disclosed, the physician under review can sometimes guess who filed a report. Thus, it’s useful to gently remind physicians to avoid actions that could be perceived as retaliatory, even if retaliation isn’t the intent.

The answer would be different in settings where a physician’s clinical privileges could be restricted, for example, during a Medical Staff hearing. In that case, the physician should be provided access to the same documents considered by the hearing committee.

For additional tips relating to peer review, join us for July’s Grand Rounds – Top 10 Tips for Effective Peer Review of Clinical Concerns.

October 7, 2021

In June, a federal court dismissed claims brought by employees of Houston Methodist Hospital who alleged the hospital’s vaccination requirement was illegal.  In this past week, another federal judge dismissed a similar lawsuit brought by employees of St. Elizabeth Medical Center.  How many hospitals/health systems have a mandatory vaccination requirement?

As of September, approximately 2,600 hospitals and health systems put in place a mandatory vaccination requirement.  There were also over a dozen states, and even several cities, that imposed the requirement on health care workers.  There were some requirements that had exemptions for medical or religious reasons, and the penalties for not being vaccinated ranged from suspension to termination to weekly testing, among other things.  So, the requirement is on the upswing, and we’re staying alert for any updates.

September 23, 2021

We are involved in an overhaul of our medical staff governance documents.  We put together a task force of system leaders to guide us through the process, including an advanced practice professional (APP).  Historically, our documents only referenced APPs in a single article.

The task force is being challenged to be more inclusive and integrate APPs throughout the documents, including as members of the medical staff, and as members of key committees like the Credentials Committee, Medical Executive Committee and the Peer Review Committee.  What are you seeing around the country?

We are seeing change – you might even say a transformation – with respect to how APPs are addressed in medical staff governance documents.  As you suggest, historically, APPs were mentioned in a separate article of the bylaws or perhaps there was a separate policy to address how to credential and privilege them.

As licensing statutes have changed and, as the role of APPs in providing care in hospitals has continued to expand, questions about their involvement in the Medical Staff are now routinely being discussed and debated.  As is often the case, there is no single right answer. Each organization has flexibility and discretion to decide whether, when and how to incorporate APPs into their bylaws, with some exceptions.

Let’s start with the exception which is the requirement that APPs (including advance practice nurses and physician assistants), who provide a medical level of care, must be credentialed and privileged through the medical staff process.  Additionally, since APPs are granted privileges, their performance must be evaluated through the peer review process.

These requirements lend support for integrating APPs into your medical staff governance documents so you don’t need companion documents to address requirements pertaining to them.  However, whether they are members of the Medical Staff and what role they play on the Medical Staff is another question.

In our experience, many Medical Staffs are including an APP category in the Bylaws for “convenient reference” but clearly state:  “The APP Staff is not a category of the Medical Staff.”  More recently, we have seen Medical Staffs add an APP category (akin to the Courtesy or Consulting Staff) to the Bylaws.  This would afford APPs membership status but their rights and prerogatives would be very limited (e.g., no right to vote at the Medical Staff or department level, no ability to serve in a leadership position).

A few Medical Staffs are going a step further and identifying APPs as members of each category of the Medical Staff as long as they meet the patient contact or other criteria.  In these situations, to ensure compliance with the Conditions of Participation and accreditation standards, the Bylaw typically note that APPs are not eligible to serve as an officer or department chairperson.  The rules are different at critical access hospitals.

As you suggest, other key issues are whether to include APPs on committees like the Credentials Committee, Medical Executive Committee, and the Peer Review Committee.  While we won’t say there is a national consensus, we are definitely seeing a movement in this direction including a designated spot on these committees for an APP (usually appointed by the Chief of Staff or Medical Executive Committee).  Some Medical Staffs still want to clarify that the APPs are present to address APP issues but must leave when there is a credentialing or peer review issue pertaining to a physician, but most are not this restrictive.  And my personal bias is if you make an APP a member of a committee and expect them to show up and participate, they should have a right to vote.

And these are the easy issues.  The much tougher issues involving APPs are around required training, clinical privileges, and changes in practice.  We’ll leave these for another day.

September 9, 2021

I heard that the Government might delay the implementation of the Surprise Billing Rules that are scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2022.  Is that so?

Partially.  On July 13, 2021, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury published an Interim Final Rule implementing certain provisions of the No Surprises Act, which was enacted as part of the Consolidated Provisions Act of 2021.  Effective January 1, 2022, the Interim Final Rule:

  • affords patients protection against balance billing and cost sharing for certain out-of-network services;
  • prohibits out-of-network providers and health care facilities from balance billing patients under specific circumstances absent notice and consent;
  • requires providers to disclose federal and state patient protections against balance billing; and
  • describes complaint and dispute resolution processes for patients, payers and providers to address potential violations.

In an FAQ published on August 20, 2021, HHS said it will defer enforcement of the requirements to (1) make public the machine-readable files for in-network rates and out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges, (2) provide good faith estimate of expected charges, and (3) provide an Advanced Explanation of Benefits at least until July 1, 2022.

So, the bottom line is that the regulations are still scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2022, but certain parts will not be enforced right away.

In the meantime, hospitals should begin to check their physician contracts, especially those with hospital-based providers like radiology, pathology, anesthesia and emergency medicine, to make sure they require the physicians to comply with the surprise billing rules and preferably require them to participate in any third-party payor programs in which the hospital participates.

Horty Springer and its partner LegalSifter will soon be announcing a new AI-empowered tool to make it easier to review your contracts for Surprise Billing compliance. Be sure to watch for it!