Admiral Ins. Co. v. Rio Grande Heart Specialists of S.
Texas, Inc.,
No. 13-00-552-CV (Tex. App. Nov. 15, 2001)
An insurance company appealed when a trial court ordered it to defend a clinic in a lawsuit brought by a group of cardiologists who alleged that the clinic induced them to leave their own practices and then engaged in wrongful conduct to deprive them of money. The insurance company argued that this type of lawsuit was outside the scope of its policy with the clinic. The Court of Appeals of Texas ruled that, if the insurance policy was susceptible to more than one interpretation, it must be interpreted to favor the insured. Also the court ruled that, if coverage is found for any portion of the suit, the insurer must defend the entire lawsuit. The court found that, while some of the claims against the clinic were outside the scope of the policy, the insurer was still obligated to defend the suit.