Watch Now: New Year, New Regs: What You Need to Know About The New Obstetrical Services Conditions of Participation  – There’s no better way to ring in the New Year than a podcast about compliance! In response to the growing maternal health crisis in the U.S., CMS issued new conditions of participation for hospitals and critical access hospitals that offer obstetrical services. Listen in as HortySpringer attorneys Mary Paterni and Hala Mouzaffar take a deep dive into these new requirements and discuss what you can do to start preparing.

Experts. Visionaries. Trendsetters. Since 1971, Horty, Springer & Mattern has been enabling our clients’ success in the health care industry through legal services, onsite education & national seminars. Our attorneys are more than a group of lawyers; we are trusted advisors. Our individual experiences, coupled with our cutting-edge approach to health care law, are what make us unique. We invite you to take a more in-depth look at how we enable our client’s healthcare success in the health care industry through our legal and educational services.


What’s New in Health Law


New Cases

FCA Retaliation Claim Survives Motion to Dismiss Even if Fraud Claims Do Not

In order to survive a motion to dismiss in a Qui Tam case alleging a violation of the False Claims Act (“FCA”), a Qui Tam relator must provide evidence that at least one claim was submitted to the Medicare and/or Medicaid Program for payment. United States and Michigan ex rel. Amine and Asbahi v. Team Health Holdings, Inc.

To read more about this case and to find out what’s new in healthcare law, visit our What’s New page

Question of the Week

We just discovered that a Licensed Practical Nurse was excluded from participation in all federal health programs.  We have never had a problem with this LPN and since she is an LPN, she does not refer patients to the hospital.  Should we do anything?

Read the answer now>>

HortySpringer’s Contract Control Program for Hospitals and Healthcare Systems is now available!

Healthcare contracts can be challenging, but with the right support, they don’t have to be. We have teamed up with our friends from LegalSifter to offer a tailored Contract Control Program just for hospitals and health systems. This lets you review contracts you receive from others, draft new contracts using HortySpringer curated templates, negotiate agreements and manage the contracts after they’re signed. It’s a full-service solution that simplifies the entire contract process.

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